Friday, January 30, 2009

Things 16-20 - almost done!

16. My dream job would be to have my own boutique that sold fun gift items and hilarious knick-knacks. Maybe a few craft items. Things that women give other women because only they would get the joke. It would be called Wicked Giggles. My dream job also entails having an animal at work. And those that didn't like my big, orange terminally pissed-off cat and my overly-flatulent, lazy dog could suck it, and walk their happy asses back out my shop door.

17. When I was little I wanted to be a dancer when I grew up. I believed this until the day that my dance teacher mumbled to herself, "I don't know why I bother, you're not gonna be any good anyways." Grown-ups can suck sometimes. I told my Mom and she called and told her exactly where she could stick that tap shoe, and then signed me up for baton lessons the next day. Which I loved, and was pretty good at. Grown-ups can kick ass sometimes.

18. I love to sing in my car. As loudly as possibly. I'm also a pretty good seat dancer.

19. I had a series of truly vile varsity coaches in high school, for both volleyball and softball. People that said very nasty things and loved to belittle you. Karma will find you, my friends.

20. My softball number is 11. My husband's number is 8. We both have the same tattoo with our respective numbers on them. He proposed to me, by coincidence, on 11-8. Our favorite number is 19. You do the math.

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